Sunday, May 31, 2009

Steep path

Excerpt taken from Home Sweet Home-school by Sue Maakestad in regards to going against modern culture:
There is one catch: You have to be willing to take the tomatoes to the face that come with sticking your head above the crowd. The natural reaction to such an onslaught is to bolt and run or duck down and fit in. In the army of God, neither is acceptable.

Within the last few weeks I have been questioning the way we operate as a family as well as how other families operate within their own. Questioning where we are headed and what we have been through and wondering why we seem so out of the norm. And is this the climate that I want for my kids? Is this what we intended to do as parents? Why do we seem like the only ones rearing our kids the way we do? It has been a soul searching time coupled with the fact that we are still church shopping and you can see one dozy of a mental breakdown on the way.
I have in no way come to any conclusions but I am beginning to be hopeful. This path we have chosen is hard...and lonely. We have been criticized on many fronts and I think I was starting to wonder if they were right. Remarks made on why we homeschool, why we follow a budget, why do we keep our kids with us in church, why do we not have sugary snacks around the house, why are we so conservative when it comes to public policies, why, why why? We have been called bigots, racists, simpletons, crazy, weirdos, radical extremists and much more. To tell you the truth, I have wanted to put our house in lock down and come out when the food supply is desegregated.
This path my husband and I feel called to is so hard! It is lonely and steep. And then I read of beautiful hope.
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His right hand. I have been young and I have been old. Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging for bread. - Psalm 37:23-25
There is so much more to write but I am still processing all these things. I am beginning to understand that this life led by convictions may be tiresome in these days on earth but if I can just hold on to that which I know, (and to the person that I know), I will enjoy seeing the bigger picture for eternity.


  1. So sorry you feel so lonely on your path. I know my parents often felt that way. Some of the things you describe as choices you two have made are ones Ralph and I plan on making (at least for now, we're not there yet so we'll see). It's tough when not even other believers or one's family or both don't understand. We'll be praying for you. Thanks for sharing and being transparent.

  2. You said it quite well.
    "Do not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Gal. 6:9
    I am so glad that God has encouraged your heart today, and that he has given a husband to be united with you and to share this difficult road with you. You guys are doing a great job. =)

  3. P.S. Completely unrelated... but I LOVE your profile pic. It always makes me smile.

  4. Well, you never did like doing things the easy way. ;) I likes ya.
