Monday, April 26, 2010


God has been challenging me lately to be more disciplined in my Christian walk. There have been seasons in my life when my quiet times were during the late night hours and that served me well. When little ones came along, my quiet times were in the afternoon during "nap time." Within the last month I have been feeling God urging me to meet Him in the morning. I am not an early riser and certainly God knows this. Regardless, I set my heart to try.

After stumbling to find my Bible and journal and then getting my eyes adjusted to the light, I would try to shake my mental facilities to wake up but it never really worked. I would either read and have no semblance of meeting with God, forget everything I read or even fall asleep with my face in my Bible till the kids woke me up. I have also tried to set my quiet time necessities next to the bed so I could just move it onto the bed and then read ..... doesn't work. Next I set everything by the dining room table and would awaken out of my slumber and shuffle off to the table and try to commune with God. I was getting into a good routine and feeling somewhat successful but still feeling like I could do better.

One morning as I awoke and was feeling extra groggy because of the late night hours I had kept, I questioned God about why we had to meet so early? Doesn't He see that I am tired? As quick as lightning, God showed me the missing piece: Preparedness. I was not preparing myself to meet with God. It wasn't just about getting up early, it was also about making sure I was physically able to do so. Those preparations would have to happen the night before. How could I possibly expect to wake up early when I stay up so late!? Time for this night owl to adapt a new behavior.

So I have set it in my mind and heart to go to bed earlier so that I can meet with my God in the morning before the kids wake up. So far, the first week has been successful. I am really enjoying being awake when I sit down with my Bible and journal and hot tea. All I needed was some discipline and preparation. Not a bad exchange when it means I get to meet with the God of the universe, the God who so deeply loves me that He sent His Son to be my payment for sin.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Finding joy

Shame on me for not writing sooner. This month has been quite the roller coaster. From extreme tension headaches to the pure delight of having little people around. I am still trudging through my book, Dancing with My Father by Sally Clarkson. And it is still a slow journey as God reveals to me how much I take for granted and how much I choose not to be joyful. OUCH!

I was talking to some of the moms at my homeschool group and found out that I am not alone. isn't it like Satan to make us think we are the only ones who suffer and cannot find joy? It turns out that we women really struggle with finding joy. Regardless of whether you stay at home or work full time or go to school. Joy, true joy, is elusive to us. Why is that? Why are we trudging along when we, who believe in Jesus Christ, have become heirs to the throne of God? The Bible calls us righteous, a royal priesthood, a chosen people and yet we spend our days like a herd of Eeyores.

I don't know what the reason is for you but I am certainly seeing things anew as I read through this book. I am finding the nooks and crannies of where my thinking has gone askew. Areas that I have not let God cleanse and just plain choosing not to choose joy. I am about halfway through the book and continue to be challenged. I have recommended this book as a great summer read to my homeschool book and I would challenge you all too. Spend your summer reclaiming the joy God intended for you. It will be so worth it. Join me in choosing joy.