Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dancing with my Father preview

I received a copy of Dancing With My Father by Sally Clarkson with the agreement that I would review it and share my thoughts with my friends and hopefully get the word out on Sally's latest book. I assumed that I would be able to plow through it so I could get a review out as soon as possible and then re-read it so that I could let her sage wisdom seep into my psyche and catch anything I may have missed. I didn't even get into the first chapter before I realized that this book review is going to be quite different.

This book has been like a sucker punch to the stomach for me. (in a good way) Sally begins by writing the reasoning for writing about joy and for her personal journey of questioning God about joy and why she so lacked it in her life and what does God really mean when He says that we are to live abundant lives. Reading her questions was like hearing my own thoughts. Oh how I have struggled with joy over the last several years. I often feel like the sour puss in the crowd or negative Nelly. It is not who I want to be nor is it what I believe God wants for me. So after the first chapter, I had to put the book down because I was in such turmoil. I needed to take it all to the Lord and confess that my attitudes and my countenance do not reflect my great God when I am unable to genuinely produce joy. So this book review will no be more like a book journey. I am excited to see what God will show me but also a tad hesitant to see what He might unearth.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds intriguing. Looking forward to following you on your journey through this book.
