Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Naomi update

Naomi continues to do well. Her skull has remained where it should be. We are currently visiting the chiropractor two times a week to keep her first vertebrae in line. It continues to slide out of alignment since the muscles were holding it wrong for so long. But the treatments are being needed less and less. Another wonderful praise is that God is miraculously providing through Dr. Plaut (our chiropractor). He has been so gracious to give us free visits. It is very hard for me to accept and I have been humbled more than once to just accept it and allow God to be God. Ouch. We just keep praying for healing for her and thankfulness to God for His mighty work.


  1. So cool. Praise God for provision!!

  2. That is awesome! I will be taking my daughter to a chiropractor soon as well, and have high hopes for it. What a blessing this is for you.

    - Christy
