Thursday, October 22, 2009

Naomi's Healing

About 6 months ago, Naomi began to complain about neck pain. Her complaints usually arose when it was time for school or something she didn't want to do so we didn't invest too much energy into it. After several weeks of on and off pains, we took her to the pediatrician. No answers were given or found so we went home. This happened four times in about four months as her complaints continued and our concern grew.

We were getting nowhere and were told to give her Ibuprofen . The Ibuprofen did not work so we went back again with a more demanding tone. So the doctor referred us to a neurologist who then concluded she was having migraines. At this point we were getting desperate because the pain was constant and there was nothing we could do to relieve her of it. She was unable to sleep well, having trouble with vision and miserable. The neurologist gave us a prescription for a heavy duty medicine that did nothing except make her even more irritable. So he then switched medications to a very powerful drug which again did nothing to ease the pain. The neurologists said she would have to be on medication for the rest of her life and being so young, her liver would be severely affected by the time she was in her twenties.

At this point we were getting desperate. Naomi was pale and had dark circles under her eyes. The worst times were when she had to be quiet and still because the pain would gnaw at her. As long as she was active and pre-occupied, she was okay because she was distracted from the pain. Dustin and I were highly concerned and fearing the worst. We began to spend our nights by her bedside in earnest prayer for her.

One evening after church, a young woman came up to me and asked if we had thought about calling the elders together to pray over Naomi. I replied yes and then she asked if we had considered taking her to a chiropractor. She then began to relate her own experience as a child and her dealings with a doctor named Plaut. I had heard of him previously from someone on Facebook and again from someone else we know. Believing that God was sending us an answer, I contacted Dr. Plaut and we took Naomi to go see him. I was very nervous about it because I have no reference to a chiropractor myself and because our pediatrician is highly against it. But since we believed God was directing us in this way, we usurped the doctor's authority and took a chance to hopefully find an answer..... and a cure.

On our first visit to Dr. Plaut, Naomi was so miserable that she would not let him touch her. He spent a lot of time with her and explaining everything to us. He knew exactly what was wrong with her. Her skull had gotten off the spinal track and the first vertebra was twisted and pushing into the skull. He would not do anything she didn't allow so we made an appointment for the next day and brought in the reserves.... Daddy.

Naomi was a bit more tolerable of the Dr. on this day but still would not let him do the full adjustment but she did allow him to use an activator and we left saying that we would be praying the treatment works. That afternoon Naomi ran inside and exclaimed, "Mama! My neck feels all better!" I could scarcely believe it. And to be honest I was a bit skeptical. When we went back the following day, Dr. Plaut was ecstatic. The skull had readjusted itself and she will not have to be on worthless meds. her whole life. She will need to continue to get checked but that is a wonderful prognosis compared to what we were facing.We were a bit in shock on Wednesday but now we are fully rejoicing our great Healer for His goodness and mercy.

The difference in Naomi has been astounding. Color has returned to her face, she is sleeping well, seeing clearly and free from pain. Praise God from whom all blessing flow.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


For months Josiah has been praying for a kitty. We have seen two litters and visited the Humane Soceity numerous times but it never seemed to work out. Either the kittens had sketchy backgrounds and I was hesitant to introduce a sick kitty to the family. One time we picked a kitty at the Humane Society only to have him adopted by someone else. Oops. Throughout it all Josiah had a very specific picture in mind for what he wanted.

A friend of ours posted some newborn kitten pics on Facebook and I inquired about it and kinda forgot about it. Eight weeks later she asked if we would like a kitty. There were two boys left and we had no idea what the kittens looked like. I gave Josiah the speech about accepting the kitty even if it doesn't look like what he wanted, which was a gray and black striped cat. They brought out the two boys and Josiah took one look and said, "That one." He turned around to me and there was the cutest gray and black striped kitty I have ever seen. Our God is so gracious to have painted that sweet kitten exactly like Josiah had been praying for. Josiah named him Dexter and he has been a wonderful addition to our family.

He is very smart. Already using the litter box, eating dry food well and knows that when he hears a crinkly sound, food is around. :) He likes to climb into our laps and sleep and plays around the house. He is so small that we had to put a collar with a bell on it so we don't lose him. I love hearing the jingling and seeing a quick grayish black blur go by. It has been a great experience to see the way that God has answered Josiah's prayers. What an amazing God we have that He even provides a kitty for a little boy.

Peak into our children's minds

Here are some questions Josiah has asked recently that we thought were quite charming.
1. A stingray has a stinger to protect himself from sharks and other predators but can a stingray sting another stingray?
2. Is God good all the time? Can he ever be bad?
3. Is Satan bad all the time? Can he ever do good?

Naomi recently commented that the way the sex is determined for babies is upon the name that the parents give them. For instance, we named Josiah a boy name so we got a boy. We named Naomi a girl name so we got a girl. Simple. So next time can you name the baby Penny so I can have a sister?

Tender moments

Sunday morning Josiah and I were snuggling in the front pew, I mean chairs, at church and he says to me, "Mommy, my love for you goes all the way up to the ceiling."

Friday, October 16, 2009

Revoltion of the heart

As I mentioned earlier, I have been reading a book entitled, Created to Be HIs Help Meet. At first I was very skeptical of the book and the ideas presented and wary of some of the views the author had but I forged ahead because she encouraged the reader to delve into the Word for herself. It has been during this extensive study of what God's word has to say about joy, blasphemy, fear of the Lord, submission, being chaste and sober, keeping the home, and training the children and loving your husband, that God has transformed the way I perceive my role as a wife and my actions. It is like getting lasik surgery of the heart.

Nowhere have I seen this more evident than the peace and contentment within our home and interaction as a family. With a concise focus on my role as a wife and mother, I can avoid cultural traps that I was stuck in. I know how to usurp my husband, I know how to manipulate him, demean him and be the boss but what I haven't know is how to be a chaste woman, sober, truly loving and discerning. So many things that I was not taught from the godless women in my family. As you can imagine, this whole process has been so freeing!!

The saddest part of this journey is that I see women in the church do the same thing! Older women aren't teaching the younger because they were never taught themselves. But thank God that he gives us the Holy Spirit to teach us in these matters. Not that I have attained all these things but I am pressing forward to be the wife God ordained me to be.

So I am wondering how many young women feel like I did. Desiring to be godly wives but having no clue as to how to do it. Or thinking you have a clue but always finding yourself failing or going back to what I call the default position. This world tells us that we can have it all. We are the determiners of our own destiny. We answer to no one. We are smarter than our husbands, more capable, able to live without a husband if we wanted to. Submission equals being a doormat. So many lies that creep in. So many half truths to destroy. The truth is that coming under the authority and leadership of your husband is the best thing you could ever do. I feel like I am one who has been set free. I am so thankful for God's Holy Word and His Spirit that guides us and directs us in the way we should go.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


As we seek to be spirit-conscious, we should focus on the Spirit as our source of guidance. This means we foster an environment where the Holy Spirit can flourish, fill and clearly speak to us." - Priscilla Shearer

The question is: Do I foster an environment where the Spirit flourishes?

Our lives are overwhelmed with noise that it is no wonder we question whether God speaks. For our family, as we have removed the TV, iPods, radios, we have noticed an increase in peace and reflection. We are able to meditate on God's Word more and discuss what we are learning and what we are struggling with. It has been a wonderful change. It is even evident in the children as they are asking more questions and thinking deeper thoughts.

I also think having an uncluttered house helps too. Even if it means getting rid of some furniture and adding a bookshelf so everything can have it's place. I desire for my home to be one that welcomes the Spirit of God and allows Him to flourish so that we can grow and glorify Him. I welcome any other suggestions.