After stumbling to find my Bible and journal and then getting my eyes adjusted to the light, I would try to shake my mental facilities to wake up but it never really worked. I would either read and have no semblance of meeting with God, forget everything I read or even fall asleep with my face in my Bible till the kids woke me up. I have also tried to set my quiet time necessities next to the bed so I could just move it onto the bed and then read ..... doesn't work. Next I set everything by the dining room table and would awaken out of my slumber and shuffle off to the table and try to commune with God. I was getting into a good routine and feeling somewhat successful but still feeling like I could do better.
One morning as I awoke and was feeling extra groggy because of the late night hours I had kept, I questioned God about why we had to meet so early? Doesn't He see that I am tired? As quick as lightning, God showed me the missing piece: Preparedness. I was not preparing myself to meet with God. It wasn't just about getting up early, it was also about making sure I was physically able to do so. Those preparations would have to happen the night before. How could I possibly expect to wake up early when I stay up so late!? Time for this night owl to adapt a new behavior.
So I have set it in my mind and heart to go to bed earlier so that I can meet with my God in the morning before the kids wake up. So far, the first week has been successful. I am really enjoying being awake when I sit down with my Bible and journal and hot tea. All I needed was some discipline and preparation. Not a bad exchange when it means I get to meet with the God of the universe, the God who so deeply loves me that He sent His Son to be my payment for sin.